Intestinal Worms
We recommend an easy intestinal worm treatment be given to all dogs over 6 months of age every 3 months. Our vets and vet nurses recommend Popantal worming tablets. For puppies, intestinal worm treatment is given every 2 weeks until 12 weeks, and then monthly until 6 months of age.
Flea Control
The best way to prevent these itchy little parasites is with a 3 monthly chew called Bravecto. The Bravecto treatment system covers ticks too! If you aren’t so keen on an oral chew for flea control, there are numerous topical flea control preventatives too. At Mooroopna Veterinary Practice, we recommend the Bravecto spot on which covers our furry friends for 6 months!
This parasite is spread by mosquitoes, and is so easy to prevent, a single annual heartworm prevention injection! Ask your vet about this today!
The Bravecto chew will protect your dog for 4 months from the paralysis tick. It can be used safely in conjunction with most other parasite preventions (Advocate, Sentinel etc.) Other tick preventions such as Advantix, Nexgard, Serasto collars – may be recommended by your vet.
Intestinal Worms
We recommend an easy intestinal worm treatment given to all cats over 6 months of age every 3 months. Our vets and vet nurses recommend Milpro worming tablets. For kittens, intestinal worm treatment is given every 2 weeks until 12 weeks and then monthly until 6 months of age.
For completely indoor cats that are fed commercial diets, the frequency of intestinal worm treatment can be reduced. We recommend discussing this further with your vet to determine the best solution for your pet.
Flea Control
We advise using a monthly or 3 monthly topical flea preventatives for your cats and kittens. Revolution (monthly) an Bravecto plus (3 monthly) is what we recommend here at Mooroopna Veterinary Practice.
Heartworm prevention in cats is by utilising Bravecto Spot on. Ask your vet about this today!
Unfortunately, there is only ONE product available for cats that prevent the paralysis tick. This product is Frontline plus Spray which needs to be applied every 3 weeks.
For more information on parasites and how to control them, please come in and chat to our friendly staff.